Felix Hitzelhammer, Anež ka Dostálová, Ilia Zykov, Barbara Platzer, Clara Conrad-Billroth, Thomas Juffmann, and Ulrich Hohenester
ACS Photonics (2024), DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c00621
Interferometric scattering microscopy is a powerful technique that enables various applications, such as mass photometry and particle tracking. Here, we present a numerical toolbox to simulate images obtained in interferometric scattering, coherent bright-field, and dark-field microscopies. The scattered fields are calculated using a boundary element method, facilitating the simulation of arbitrary sample geometries and substrate layer structures. A fully vectorial model is used for simulating the imaging setup. We demonstrate excellent agreement between our simulations and experiments for different shapes of scatterers and excitation angles. Notably, for angles near the Brewster angle, we observe a contrast enhancement which may be beneficial for nanosensing applications. The software is available as a matlab toolbox.